Friday 1 January 2016

Outlook for 2016

I've decided to share my planned projects for 2016, it's always good to have goals to work up to. I have similar feelings with my sport (rowing), if I don't have a goal or a regatta to train for, I don't train as regularly and hard as I could.

So, here comes:

1. Quilt for husband
I posted the fabric selection already here, I actually finished all the blocks of the quilt top this week and will assemble the quilt top today. I don't exactly know how to quilt it yet, but I hope to have this quilt finished this month. A QuiP is coming soon!

2. Triangle Quilt
I have started to cut triangles out of these beautiful fabrics and I'm all excited about it!

3. Sea Breeze
Remember this lovely quilt top? I have this quilted more than half way... and I don't like it! So I'm going to rip the quilting all out and do it again. I know that sounds crazy but believe me, I looked at this so many times, put the quilt away, looked at it again... still don't like it. That's something I feel I have to do otherwise I'm not going to enjoy the finished quilt.

4. Bee Quilt
It's my turn in January/ February with my 'Quilty Circle of Bees' and I have picked a lovely block pattern (more about that later). I hope to have this quilt also finished this year.

That's 4 quilts this year, theoretically every quarter one quilt. I think this is realistic and achievable.

There MAYBE is a 5th quilt (since the one for my husband is almost there, I have quilting bees who help me with the bee quilt and the Sea Breeze quilt sandwich is also done).
As I discovered quilts during my honeymoon in 2013 I went to Sew Modern in LA and bought lots of fabric. Lots. I honestly bought 3 yards (!) of all these and more. (Luckily there was the Memorial Day Special Offer!!)

I didn't know hat I was doing and had no idea how much fabric I need for a quilt (and of course ignored the  advise by the lovely lady who cut all the fabric for me). I made already two quilts of this fabric, one for myself and one for my Mum, but as the lovely lady in the shop said:' You're gonna make A LOT OF quilts out of these!' Yeah, what can I say, I probably will!

I'm also planning on making an open wide zipper pouch, (I have that done, see here) a divided basket (I actually made two! Here and here) and a super tote, all pattern by Noodlehead which I purchased a long time ago but didn't find the time and muse to make them.

I feel all good about these projects and looking forward to all of them (apart from the quilt stitch ripping business...). I will come back to this blog post to see how I'm doing and strike off things I have finished, yay. That's good!

What are your plans for the new year?


  1. Still want to come up with my own list of goals. Totally agree, having realistic goals planned, helps to keep one on track. Though I do have a problem with realistic :)

    Yours sound great and doable. So, I wish you the best of luck. And please enjoy the process!

    1. I love that list! Keeps me focused and finally made me rip out these quilt stitches!

  2. You are a tease to not show us the blocks you've made for the hubs!! I love seeing all the crosshatch in your triangles project pull...I am really beginning to "require" more of that myself :) and I think ripping out quilting for good cause is character won't regret it, I think. And finally, YAY for another Lotta quilt...and cases and totes and such! You definitely look to have another quality lineup for the year! Can't wait to see how your Quilty Bee goes, too!

    1. Hang in there, I will reveal the big secret around the hubby quilt soon :0)
      Character building... yeah, I like that! I actually had a lot to think about while ripping these seams and I resisted to drink a glass red wine!!

  3. Great fabric selections! And yes, I've done the same thing of ripping out all the stitching. It's a pain but so worth it.

    Thanks for your kind comment on my blog. Did you know you are a "no-reply blogger"? I wanted to email you a response but couldn't. I appreciate your encouraging words.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, Nicole! I didn't know there is such a thing like a 'no-reply-blogger' and I certainly don't want to be one! Thanks for pointing that out, I will investigate!

  4. Oh, I hate to hear that you are taking out all those stitches!?! I hope that this does not tarnish your view of this quilt... I find that if I work on something for too long, then it sometimes looses it's appeal. A quilt a quarter sounds like a good and achieveable goal!

    Can't wait to see the bee quilt!

  5. I'm almost done seam ripping and I'm really looking forward to quilting it again. It was lying around for some time but it has gotten it's charm back to me since looking at it again. So all good
    The bee quilt will be gorgeous with all your beautiful flowers in a great diversity!

  6. Loving your triangle quilt colour palette.
