Wednesday, 13 January 2016

And so the seam ripping begins....

I have started to rip the quilting stitches out of my Sea Breeze quilt... finally! I don't know why I've put this off for so long.

Ah well, yes I do know why... because it takes forever, it's destructive work and seems to be a reverse process. Taking something out you later put back in again.
But my post about my goals for the year really helped to get me started. I have removed the stitches from more than half the quilt and I'd say there is one more ripping session and I'm done!
Looking forward to quilt that baby properly!

Linking this to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.


  1. Good luck with the ripping, have you got a plan for how you are going to quilt it? I've ripped out quilting once and while it was painful I'm glad I did it.

    1. Oh, painful indeed... but I'm already happy that I did it. And, yes, I have an idea how the quilting is supposed to be. Fingers crossed!

  2. If you're happy, I'm happy! ;-) It'll feel good to be quilting on this again!

    1. Oh, I can't wait to quilt it again. One more ripping session....

  3. Uggh! I've had to rip out quilting on a quilt before so I feel your pain. But oh how much happier you'll be with the final result! Hang in there!

    1. Oh, thanks for the nice comment! I'm happy that I'm not the only one who is ripping out quilt stitches! I thought everyone will think I'm crazy!

  4. sometimes you gotta rip! i don't like how much longer it takes than putting the stitches in, but if you just aren't happy with stitching, it's worth it! good luck.

    1. It definitively is worth it. Can't wait to do productive work though! Thanks for the comment!

  5. Any tips? I've ripped seams but not quilting.
