Saturday, 28 November 2015

I have joined Pinterest! This is my happy place

I have recently joined Pinterest and love, that I now can pin quilts, blocks, patterns or whatever inspires me including the link to the actual blog post or website.

Within three months or so I have accumulated over 2.3000 pins in 41 boards... wow. I also have 73 followers!

I have structured the boards into e.g.  modern solids, plus quilts, quilts from men's shirts, QAYG, paper piecing, Irish chain... and so on. All the tings I want to try some day.

Of course there is my own board from block M quilts, too.

And quilts I cannot put into any of the above categories I just add into my 'Gorgeous Quilts' board.

There are also random sewing ideas, useful things, crochet inspiration, food, selfmade soap, jewelry, travel and dogs.

Here is the link to my profile.
When you're not signed up they don't let you see much though..

I have also added the little 'P' button on my blog with the same link.

I have found this advice for beginners by the German blogger 'Loloveshandmade' very helpful and I think that got me started.
Try it out, I really like it. Oh, and follow me!


  1. Pinterest is great, but as you have probably already figured out, it is a major time suck. I have to set limits on myself as to not spend all my time on the computer and never make it to my sewing machine... happy pinning!

  2. Okay, I will check out the link for beginners, because I really don't get Pinterest at all and have a difficult time just understanding what and how things go round there... :)

  3. Pinterest is so addicting! I was thinking the other day I would be devastated if my boards ever got erased :)
