Friday 27 December 2019

Poppies In The Sky - A mini quilt challenge

I have to catch up blogging about my projects before this year is over!
In July I was taking part in a German mini quilt challenge that was organised by Ursula, who always has an international quilter to judge the quilts. This time it was Jean Wells.

Each year the quilt judge chooses a colour scheme and a method as to how the quilt is to be made. This year the method was 'intuitive colour & design' and the colour scheme was red and turquoise.

I liked the topic and the colours so I played along. I picked two shades of solid turquoise and a graphic print and combined it with a bright red solid. I have always wanted to try out how a directional print works in an improv piece so this was a good opportunity to test this out.

I think the directional print gives the quilt a lot of movement and adds interest to the piecing. I made slabs in different sizes to disguise where a block starts and where it ends.

The simple straight line quilting complements the design and is 1/2" apart.
'Poppies In The Sky measures 27" square.

This is Jean Wells' statement on my quilt:
I am guessing the poppies are reaching to the bright summer sky. The red and white printed fabric is so essential in making this complete. Great fabric and color choices.
I'm happy enough with that! 

Here you can see all entries and prize winners. All entered quilts were exhibited in Ursula's quilt shop in northern Germany, here is a video she made of the exhibition.


  1. Liebe Daniela,
    was für eine wunderschöne Umsetzung der "intuitive Farbe & Design" Methode. Dein Farbschema finde ich sehr ansprechend, denn ich liebe Türkis mit Rot!! Auch die Idee einen direktionaler Druck mit in das Projekt mit einfließen zu lassen, ist dir gut gelungenl! Hihi, lustig finde ich den Plan mit den verschiedenen Platten. Sie führen den Betrachter höchstwahrscheinlich wirklich auf Irrwege. Toll, ich bin begeistert von deinem Jahresabschluss Post! Mach weiter so im neuen Jahrzehnt!!
    Ich wünsche dir einen guten Ausklang für dieses bunte und ereignisreiche Jahr und wünsche dir viel Erfolg mit all deinen wunderschönen Quiltideen.
    Herzliche Grüße aus Heidelberg

  2. I love this kind of quilts. Improv but in a way that I can wrap my head around :) I think it turned out great and agree that the print is totally great for your piece. xo Melanie
