Monday, 22 June 2015

Scrappy Kindle case

I recently enjoy sewing small things with quick results. I really do enjoy the process of quilt making but every now and then there has to be a speedy little sewing project.

I have always wanted to make a case for my kindle... I suppose just to have one, because really the kindle is in a hard cover and protected enough... but a self made case is sooooo nice, right? 

I made this from scraps, my scrap glasses really do inspire me as I see all my scraps every day. And since the storing space is limited I need to use them.

I used scraps  in grey and orange, this is such a lovely colour combination (and matches the orange coloured kindle hard cover my husband got me together with the actual Kindle!)

The individual scrap pieces are 2 x 3'' big and sewing them together in rows of 5 x 4 created an almost perfect fit for the case already. I have used this tutorial as a guidance, but adjusted the flap to the whole width and measured the size of the kindle and added approx. 1inch to each side in order to estimate the size of the covers needed.

The kindle fits perfectly in it even though the I calculated the position of the velcro wrongly. I measured without the kindle being in the case, so now it just catches.

And as I was finished I thought I could have just added another row of scraps to the one case cover and not sewn the flap on separately. 

But this is something I can adjust when I make a second case.

Linking this to Scraptastic Tuesday.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Cathedral window pin cushion

I have always admired something made from cathedral window blocks. It always looked so beautiful but also super complicated. After I have seen this pin cushion and learned how easy it actually is, I thought I should give it a try.

I made a pin cushion for myself  from my scraps following this tutorial which is free, you should try it out!

I have always wanted a pin cushion and that was just a perfect way to try the cathedral window block.
Turns out it isn't complicated at all, just following some simple steps and there's a lot of ironing involved.

It took me a long time to find a nice button, but I'm happy with the red one with the carvings on it.

So, next thing to try is a pillow made from cathedral windows, I'm not afraid anymore!!

Linking this to Crazy Mom's Finish up Friday!