Monday 9 March 2015

BlockMquilts turns one - I have organised my scraps

One year into blogging and making quilts I thought it was time to organise my scraps.

After eight quilts and a few other things I've sewn in the last year I had scraps and fabric left overs everywhere. Mostly in little plastic bags, one from every sewing project.

This really started to annoy me so I was looking into options as to how to keep the scraps in one place, tidy and organised by colours.

I found these really nice over sized jars during a trip to Ikea. They hold one liter, are about 7 inches (18cm) high and about 4 inches (10cm) in diameter. I have seen people using these in their kitchens filling them with pasta and rice and all sorts of food... well, I have a different agenda!

I started off with buying 8 of them, but quickly realised that I needed more to cater for every colour. I first had yellow and orange in one jar and also turquoise and blue but realised that they need an own space. So now I have 11 of them.

I know the glasses are rather small, but I think this is good because my plan is to use up the scraps as quickly as possible. What I love about the glasses is that I can see the scraps all the time. I keep on changing the glasses so that colours are always in different locations. That's almost like having a scraps design wall!

Naturally I did my first scrap project straight away: a coffee cozy!

My husband loves coffee and  so I made one for him.
I opted for greys, yellows and browns and used a strip of velcro rather than a button, I thought this is a bit more manly!

We have these cardboard coffee thingies laying around the house all the time. So I just took one apart added the width of the velro on each side and finished was the cozy!

It's funny, I can actually see every sewing project in that tiny little thing.
I'm glad, my husband is actually using it and we have less rubbish at home.

How do you store your scraps?

Linking this to the German Montagsmacher!


  1. Simply wonderful. I love how you can see your scraps all the time.

    1. Thanks, Wanda! It's very inspiring to see them and I'm full of ideas!

  2. Very nice! I can see how having such pretties out and about would inspire lots of scrappy fun projects! Waaaay better than plastic bags ;) Sweet pics of all the jars:)

  3. very pretty. I want to check back with you in a year and see if you get a bigger container!!! LeeAnna at not afraid of color

    1. Ha! I know this is very keen (the jars actually looked bigger empty) but please do come back to visit! Especially all the lovely scrap projects :0)

  4. I love that you are starting out with a scrap system that works for you - only wish I had - several boxes full here separated by colour! Keep on top of them and continue to enjoy making cute scrappy projects. Thanks for linking up to #scraptastictuesday

  5. Thanks Nicky, I hope it will work out, if not I just buy the bigger sized jars and use these ones for pasta!

  6. Organizing them is half the battle. Now you can see what you have and decide what you want to do with them.

    1. That's it! And now that I have them in front of me every day I have already started another scrap project! I'll share that soon!

  7. Very pretty! I've accumulated too many scraps and I'm having trouble figuring out the best way to organize them. Perhaps using them would be best! :) Happy one year!

    1. Thanks Christine! Organising them helps a lot and I'm happy I did it. Every time I sew now and I put scraps right into the jar. No plastic bags anymore!
